Checkers: FS5 App Reviews

70 add

Good but crashes on g4

Downloaded, played 2x, crashed 2x. Lost my game. Good game, free, fast, nice graphics, but if I cant play it to the end, whats the point?

Has a lot of potential.

I own a few of your other apps. And theyre all quite good. This one however, has such potential but needs improvements. I have not yet tried playing via bluetooth or wifi. So far, just against the computer. I have to say, the computer takes WAY TOO LONG to "think" and make its moves- especially the harder the level is. Also things take a long time to load. I press on menu items and it doesnt register or do anything right away. So.... some things to fix and Id purchase the full version. Otherwise, its more frustrating to navigate & play.

Crash reportings on flipside

Like all other reviews, this game keeps freezing or timing out and abruptly exits the program. Ill keep it for a but hoping for an update.


How does this app have 3 stars? It is complete garbage. You cant even finish a game, it crashes without fail every time. Wish I could give it 0 stars. CRAPPY!!


Nice game but crashes allll the time. Crash Crash Crash Crash Crash. Did I mention that it crashes?


Had it for 30 seconds crashed 3 times need to fix

Zero stars

Bad app that wont let u move ur checker to where u want to go! Do the world a good deed and dont get it


Crashes when it downloads


in the middle of games it is

This is crap!

This game wont let me move the piece where I want- it only lets me move to the obvious space that is not even necessarily the best.

Im going to win!! *CLOSE*...

It would be better if it didnt freaking close after I find a good player and almost win.....

The man

Stupid. If it didnt crash every single time would give four stars but its not even worth one.

Cant play & too long a wait time to start game

Too many adds & Too long a wait time before u can play adds adds adds I have the following feedback about the FlipSide5 Checkers game:hello I have played the game several dozen sense Ive had it but Ive never been able to complete 1 game about half way threw a game the appt just closes by it self


This app allows people to quit when they are about to lose and allows people to win that are about to lose if they request it. This is pure stupidity.


Its exactly what ud expect from a free online multiplayer checkers game. Oh yeah, cept u cant get thru a game w/o it crashing. =


It forces u to jump a checker which leads to a trap.


Crashes every time I open it!!!!!!


Crash! Crash! Crash! Thats all this app does.


Wont let me or. My dad move are pieces dont buy


Please update it crashes to much

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